Project: Reache

Reache is a desktop app that helps busy working professionals manage their large list of contacts by providing an easy-to-use interface to store contacts and organize meetings.

Summary of Contributions

  • Code Contributed: RepoSense Link

  • Enhancements Implemented:
    • Added classes for new types of information to be associated with a person (i.e. Company, JobTitle, etc.), and integrated them into the Model component: #30
    • Implemented having a unique Id for a Person, which was used for all Meeting related functionality: #120
    • Added Label, which is used to label a Person’s contact information: #110
    • Implemented functionality for automatically creating default labels when none are provided by the user, and for ensuring that duplicate labels are not created, in LabelUtil: #156
    • Implemented ContactDetailsParser, which is responsible for parsing user input in the ContactDetailsWindow: #42
    • Created the ContactDetailsWindow and its UI components (ContactDetailsPanel, ParticularsCard, etc.), which are responsible for displaying all a person’s contact details, and implemented the necessary navigation logic to change screens: #42
    • Created MeetingListPanel and its UI components, which is responsible for displaying all the user’s meetings: #140
    • Created ContactMeetingsPanel and its UI components, which is responsible for displaying meetings that the user has with a specific contact in the ContactDetailsWindow: #145
    • Implemented AddCommand to add a new Person to the Address Book. #60
    • Implemented ViewCommand to navigate to the ContactDetailsWindow to view a specific Person’s complete contact information. #71
  • Contributions to the UG:
    • Added documentation for the features edit, delete contact, clear, find, list, and view: #16
    • Added the Overview and Interface Guide sections as part of the Introduction: #152
  • Contributions to the DG:
    • Added the table of user stories #17
    • Added implementation details of the view feature: #100
  • Contributions to the team-based tasks:
    • Documented the purpose of the user guide in the UG: #216
    • Maintained issues in issue tracker, for example: #51, #53, #54
    • Updated Reache’s responses to the user: #124
  • Review/mentoring contributions:
    • PRs reviewed with meaningful comments: #33, #57, #142
  • Contributions beyond the project team:
    • Wrote 5 issues for Harmonia during the PE-D
  • Contributions to the Developer Guide (Extracts):
### 5.4 View feature

The `view` feature allows the user to view the contact details of a specified person
in the address book, as well as meetings the user has with that person. The command
is only available from the Home Page, and is facilitated by the`HomePageParser`,
`ViewCommandParser`, and `ViewCommand`. Additionally, it implements the following

* `MainWindow#LoadContactDetailsPage(Person personToDisplay)` — Constructs a
  `ContactDetailsPanel` and a `ContactMeetingsPanel` for the specified
  `personToDisplay`, and displays them in the `MainWindow`.

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the _view_ mechanism behaves at
each step.

Step 1. From the Home Page, the user executes `view 2` to view the contact details
of the second person in the addressbook. A `ViewCommand` is constructed with the
index of the person to de displayed.

Step 2. The `ViewCommand` is executed, and the person that corresponds to the
provided index is returned to `MainWindow` inside a `CommandResult`.

Step 3. `MainWindow#loadContactDetailsPage(Person personToDisplay)` is
executed with the specified person passed as argument, which constructs and
displays the respective `ContactDetailsPanel` and `ContactMeetingsPanel`.

The following sequence diagram shows how the _view_ feature works:

  • Contributions to the User Guide (Extracts):
Upon launching Reache, you will see the Main Window, which is depicted below.
The Main Window displays your entire contact list as well as all upcoming meetings
you have planned.

![Main Window](/images/MainWindow.png)

The Main Window contains the following elements:
1. **Menu Bar**: Contains Reache's options and help.
2. **Command Box**: A dialog box from which you can type commands to use Reache.
3. **Result Display**: When you use the Command Box to enter a command, Reache
   will show the result of that command here.
4. **Contact List**: A list of all your contacts, sorted alphabetically. Each
   contact has a corresponding index number, which you can use to refer to
   that contact in commands.
5. **Meeting List**: A list of all your upcoming meetings, sorted
   chronologically. As with contacts, each meeting has a corresponding index
   number for use in commands.